Wiktionary:Entry format

This is a simple description—in English—of entry format for creating the basic entries with English words linked.

Kiswahili entry


Each entry has a Kiswahili section title, section for part of speech, headword/inflection line, definitions and a section for translations.

For example, at twiga:

[[Image:Giraffe standing.jpg|thumb|twiga]]


# aina ya mnyama wa mwitu anayeishi mbugani na mwenye shingo mrefu sana hula majani ya miti


* {{en}}: {{t|en|giraffe}}

Note this also has an image added, directly under the language section title. The language section is identified with a code (the codes are from en:ISO 639) Kiswahili is sw, English is en, and there are thousands of others defined. Some others likely to be of most interest here are:

kam Kamba
kln Kalenjin
kik Kikuyu
luo Luo
luy Luhya
mas Maasai

The entry then has the part of speech (Nomino), note with 3 ='s for this header; and then a template "infl" that generates the headword line.

Definitions start with #, which numbers them.

Then translations (note there are 4 ='s around "Tafsiri"), which should include at least English. Each translation uses the "t" template, which links the word in the Wikamusi and in the native language Wiktionary (if it exists). Please add any that you know.

English entry


Each word in English also gets an entry, so at giraffe:



# [[twiga]]

Notice it is simply defined as the Kiswahili word; it doesn't need to be more complicated. The "infl" template then shows the English plural. Note the "||" skipping the field for noun class or gender, English has neither.

Other languages


For example, the Luhya word for ndovu, at enjofu:



# [[ndovu]], [[tembo]]

Entries in the English Wiktionary


There are corresponding entries in the English Wiktionary, first at en:twiga:



# [[giraffe]]

Note here that the en.wikt does a few things differently, they spell out the language name in the header (rather than use {{sw}}), and use a different template for the headword.

At en:giraffe, in the translation table:

* Swahili: {{t|sw|twiga}}

noting again that "Swahili" is spelled out there.

These 4 entries, two here, and two in the English wikt, give readers access to the full definitions and translations, whether they are English speakers or speakers of Kiswahili.