Kikorea hariri

Visawe hariri

  • (ka) (suffix to the nominative case ending with a vowel)

Tazama hariri

  • (eun) (suffix to the nominative case ending with a consonant)
  • (neun) (suffix to the nominative case ending with a vowel)
  • (eul) (suffix to the accusative case ending with a consonant)
  • (reul) (suffix to the accusative case ending with a vowel)

Kivumishi hariri

(i) (ko)

  1. this
    • 그림을 본 적 있다. (i geurim-eul bon jeog-i issda.) I have seen this picture.

Nomino hariri

(i) (ko)

  1. tooth
  2. chawa
  3. () two